Friday, August 19, 2011

Seven months....

I know this is a little late but Hunter is 7 months old! We really haven't done much this month but here's just a little of what's been happening.

No more tummy mat. He just pulls it over. And as you can see on the floor, he's using a sippy cup now. Although he doesn't get much out yet.

He take baths in the tub all by himself. He loves it! He cant sit here for a half hour more.

We went to the cheesecake factory for dinner for my birthday. It was so much fun!

Hunter got to ride in Daddy's backpack.

He got shots at the doctors. This was the before picture. He was 17 1/2 lbs and 27 1/2 in.

My brother and his family stopped by to visit on the way to the Outer Banks.

And Hunter and I went down there to visit them and we went to the aquarium.

Other things Hunters learned this month...
He makes all sorts of sound including mamama and dadada
He sort of crawls, he can only go backwards and in circles though.
He loves to pinch, hit, and bite.
He is eating some finger foods now... they are very messy.
He loves when we sing songs like the itsy bitsy spider and patty-cake.
He stopped sleeping through the night again, seems to change every week.
He's in size 3 diapers.
He loves hugs and kisses.
He's started sleeping on his belly all the time.
He loves watching TV.
He sits up in the shopping cart.
He no longer needs his paci all the time.
He has his own cell phone which he loves.
He loves Andrews cowboy hat.
He's a big flirt.

These are just a few of the pictures I took for Hunter when he turned 7 months.