Thursday, August 15, 2013

Farm Trip Aug 2013

Two weeks ago we went up to the Farm with my brother Rick and his family and my dad.This picture up above pretty much sums up our weekend! It was nice and relaxing. Ricks family had bought an RV and they were nice enough to let Hunter and I stay in there.

Hunter loves his Aunt Jenny!! Besides his mommy and daddy I would say Aunt Jenny runs a pretty close third. I don't really have any pictures of him with his Uncle Ricky but he was pretty attached to him too! It was a sad day going home. Luckily he was sleeping when they left.

These little girlies love their momma!

The girls love taking pictures! I can't wait to get the pictures from Jens camera. Sophia got some awesome ones of Hunter! And some pretty awful ones of me. These girls have some natural talent!

The swing was all of the kids favorite thing!

At night we had a campfire and smores and did glow in the dark bubbles! They were so cool!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Care Package #1

Andrews Birthday was just a little over a week after they left so I made sure to send out his birthday package the day after he left. It didn't quite make it there in time but that's ok. He didn't tell anyone it was his birthday so when he opened the box everyone was like what the heck! Why didn't you tell us? 

 So this is his package! This picture is awful but I think it turned out really nice! I put some cupcakes in there from the bakery, he said they were crushed when he got them but the were still delicious.I also put in some cake batter oreos. I made him some of his favorite cookies- Pineapple cake batter cookies with white chocolate chips. I don't really remember what else I put in there, just some other treat's I thought he'd like like slim jims, k-cups and combos and some pictures Hunter drew for him.